We Were Here, directed by Robert Manganelli and produced by Sundagger Media Productions. is a deeply evocative cinematic exploration of paternal love and catastrophic loss .
With a visual narrative style reminiscent of Andre Tarkovsky, the film reveals itself through verité—where light, time, and subject coalesce into moments of profound truth. Encapsulated by the internal violence of the Film Makers catastrophic loss, the film unfolds as an irrevocable cinematic meditation on the symbiosis of a love that endures beyond time, a force that seeks and finds its counterpart over and over. With raw authenticity and poetic grace, We Were Here invites audiences into a space of remembrance, where grief and hope intertwine, and where echoes of love linger in every shadow
"We Were Here," is titled from a note his Gio wrote as a child.
(Early, excerpted footage) Filmmaker-Father Robert Manganelli takes us
on a visual, cinematic, exploration into the nature of primal, paternal trauma, and the obliterating pain fathers endure following the catastrophic death of a child.
The film brilliantly extrapolates the collective consciousness as a visual threnody. .
Within the crucible of complexity between man, nature, and his role as father in society — and what lies deeply in the shadows of the collective psyche.
Steve’s daughter Kelsey was murdered by her own mother. For Steve, it’s a life sentence.
Raw footage ,Remote Utah, capturing the remains of mans legacy and heritage of our ancestors.
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